Selecting and Planning Audits for Return on Investment (AUDT8914)

Rising Hands

Selecting and Planning Audits for Return on Investment


Selecting performance audits to conduct is like building a successful investment portfolio. Developing meaningful objectives helps ensure each audit efficiently and effectively achieves meaningful results. Together, selecting the right audits and clear objectives provide a return on investment that is highly valued, relevant, and meaningful to the stakeholders it serves. Explore techniques and factors for selecting and planning audits based upon measurable factors of risk, materiality, public interest, and public benefit as valued by its many stakeholders. You will identify stakeholder interest and needs, future opportunities, and external threats; apply a cost benefit approach using measures of outcome value to score proposals; and formulate compelling audit objectives leading to meaningful specific future-oriented recommendations of value. This course is part of the Certified Government Auditor (CGA) program, Level 3.


1 day



Who Should Attend?

All auditors, evaluators, analysts and executives who are responsible for developing, proposing or selecting audit/evaluation topics, and for developing specific audit/evaluation objectives.


0.6 CEU's, 8 CPE's

Learning Outcomes:

  • Apply strategic customer value in assessing desired stakeholder needs
  • Perform a SWOT analysis and logic model to consider audit topic objectives
  • Use internal and external risk assessment to identify areas of vulnerability and opportunity as criteria for scoring potential audit benefits and results
  • Apply a cost/benefit approach to score the potential value of audit proposals
  • Describe the central role of objectives in performance auditing
  • Write objectives that provide clear direction for planning field work, assigning staff, facilitating report writing and meeting auditing standards
  • Track audit progress and measure actual results

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Other Recommended Courses:

Module 1: Introduction

Module 2: Strategic Customer Value Analysis to Outcomes

Module 3: Audit Selection Phase - Measuring Risk and Return

Module 4: Planning Phase - Formulating Audit Objectives

Module 5: Tracking Audit Progress and Performance Measurement

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