Position Classification: An Introduction (CLAS7051)

Rising Hands

Position Classification: An Introduction


Learn to use OPM references and standards to correctly classify General Schedule and Federal Wage System positions. Overview position management principles so that you can advise supervisors and managers on making good decisions on economical and efficient position and organizational structures. Become familiar with the basics of alternative classification systems to ensure a well-rounded knowledge of how positions are evaluated in the federal government. • Content is enriched with video and other multimedia • Blogs and discussion designed specifically for students • Limited instructor assistance Enroll anytime. All materials supplied. Independent study; take up to six months to complete



Who Should Attend?

Federal HR practitioners, administrative staff, and others who need a basic knowledge of the federal classification system.

Learning Outcomes:

Classify General Schedule positions using both narrative and Factor Evaluation System (FES) standards, Classify Federal Wage System positions using job-grading standards, Help supervisors plan and manage positions, Write evaluation statements, and Determine the impact of classification decisions and recommend alternatives

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