Acquire the skills you need to align workforce planning with your agency's mission. Learn how to forecast and plan for future human resources needs: analyze mission requirements, collect workforce data, identify workforce surpluses or gaps, and identify solutions to address the gaps.Duration:
2 days
IntermediateWho Should Attend?
Anyone involved in assessing and planning for workforce needs, especially HR leaders, HR practitioners, budget analysts, management analysts, and program analysts. Supervisors and managers involved in strategic planning may also benefit by attending this course.Credits:
1.2 CEU'sLearning Outcomes:
Recognize the importance of workforce analysis and planning in the strategic management of human capital
Use data and planning models in the workforce planning process
Analyze and interpret workforce data using workforce supply and demand analysis methods
Develop strategies to address skill gaps
Take the steps needed to successfully implement a workforce action plan
Evaluate whether a workforce plan is achieving desired results or needs revision
Available Sessions:
Session Code | Start Date | End Date | Location | Tuition | |
Session Code PMGT7013-001 | Start Date Dec 10, 2024 9:00 AM EST | End Date Dec 11, 2024 4:30 PM EST | Location Virtual | Tuition $1,049.00 |
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