Enhance your performance as a federal supervisor by understanding your role, responsibilities, and obligations in recruiting and maintaining a diverse workforce and in addressing and preventing discrimination, retaliation and all forms of harassment. Learn what you need to know to be able to meet your EEO-related performance standards.
2 days
Who Should Attend?
Federal supervisors, managers and team leaders, including military personnel who supervise civilian employees.
1.2 CEU'sLearning Outcomes:
- Define management's role and responsibility in the EEO program
- Consider the impact of EEO laws when making decisions
- Take appropriate action when an EEO complaint is filed
- Recognize and implement sound practices that support EEO objectives
- Use the Special Emphasis Program to achieve EEO objectives
- Define, identify and take appropriate action in sexual harassment cases
- Demystify the affirmative action program
- Discuss proper job interview questions
No sessions scheduled
Other Recommended Courses:
Day one of two
- Introduction
- Course objective
- Agenda
- Administrative Issues
- Managing Diversity
- Individual barriers
- Organizational barriers
- U.S. values and values held by other cultures
- Strategy for managing a multicultural workplace
- EEO Laws Regulations and Policies
- The Equal Pay Act of 1963
- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
- The Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- The Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Act of 1974
- 29CFR 1607: UGESP of 1978
- Civil Service Reform Act of 1978
- Prohibited Personnel Practices
- Merit System Principles
- 5CFT 7201: Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program
- Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
- 29 CFR 1614: EEO in Federal Government
- Defining Protected Groups
- Defining the classes covered by EEO laws
- Four traditional classification schemes
- Definitions for "Protected Groups"
- Definition of "Handicapped Person"
- Definition of "Religious Discrimination"
- Definition of reprisal
Day two of two
- Sexual Harassment
- Defining of sex discrimination
- Guidelines on Sexual Harassment
- Implications and Review of Meritor v. Vinson
- Identifying sexual harassment
- Talking with the alleged harasser
- Talking to witnesses
- Personnel Behavior Checklist
- EEO Case Study
- Legal Considerations
- U.S. court system
- Burden of proof defenses
- Types of judicial relief
- EEO Responsibilities of Management
- EEO responsibilities of supervisors and managers
- Responsibilities in affirmative employment
- Legal basis of affirmative action
- Planning Ahead
- Flexibilities in the Federal personnel system
- Specific actions
- EEO Programs
- How the Special Emphasis Program fits into the EEO Program
- FPM chapter references
- What is the Federal Women's Program
- Hispanic Employment Program
- Facts on the Selective Placement Program
- EEO Discrimination Complaints
- The role of managers & supervisors in the complaint process
- EEO complaint process
- EEO procedures
- Special procedures for grievances and appeals
- Bases and issues alleged in formal complaints
- EEO Case preparation in the federal sector
- Safeguarding Against Discrimination
- Considerations
- Labor Relations and EEO interface
- Selection procedures
- Vacancy announcements
- Ten commandments of interviewing
- Hints for supervising employees equitably
- What's legal?
- Course Summary and Critique
- Summary
- Conclusion