Receive an overview of the 2020 revision of the CIGIE Quality Standards for Inspection and Evaluation (Blue Book). This seminar compares the seven standards for Inspections and Evaluations to the 2018 Yellow Book (revised in 2024 for implementation in 2025) to highlight the similarities and specific differences. Discuss the purpose and requirements of individual standards along with examples and challenges of implementation. Additionally, this seminar will highlight quick response techniques that can be applied to audits, inspections, or evaluations that will assist in performing work in a more efficient, timely, and agile manner.
1/2 day
Who Should Attend?
Auditors, Analysts, Evaluators, and Inspectors who perform quick response reviews, compliance inspections, and program evaluations with professional quality but do not need to meet Yellow Book requirements.
0.6 CEU's, 8 CPE'sLearning Outcomes:
- Review the purpose, principles and applicability of the Quality Standards for Inspection and Evaluation (known as the Blue Book).
- Cover the seven general standards of the Blue Book.
- Review similarities to and differences from the Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (Yellow Book).
- Review the types of inspection and evaluation engagements where these Standard apply vs GAGAS.
- Cover quick response assessment techniques that can be applied to inspections and evaluations to ensure engagements are performed efficiently, timely and agilely.